On 10/12/2020 17:59, Massimo Candela wrote:
On 10/12/2020 18:36, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
I disagree. The point of RIPE Atlas probes is to test the Internet AS IT IS, not as we would like it to be.
If you have a way to automatically discover such probes, it would be useful to release the code on the github atlas community contrib. I don't have a fully automated way (yet), but I do have a list of regexes that appear to match all known correct variants of the various RSO's hostname.bind strings with no false positives being returned from
Fair enough - I was mostly asking if there was such a policy, rather than necessarily proposing that this should be the policy. the currently active Atlas probes: 'a': /^(?:rootns-|nnn1-)([a-z]{3})\d$/, 'b': /^b\d-([a-z]{3})$/, 'c': /^([a-z]{3})\d[a-z]\.c\.root-servers\.org$/, 'd': /^([a-z]{4})\d\.droot\.maxgigapop\.net$/, 'e': /^(?:[a-z]\d+)\.([a-z]{3}[a-z]?)\.eroot$/, 'f': /^([a-z]{3})(?:\d[a-z]|\.cf)\.f\.root-servers\.org$/, 'g': /^groot-?-(.*?)-.*?(\.net)?$/, 'h': /^\d+\.([a-z]{3})\.h\.root-servers\.org$/, 'i': /^s\d\.([a-z]{3})$/, 'j': /^(?:rootns-(?:el)?|nnn1-)([a-z]{3})\d$/, 'k': /^.*?\.([a-z]{2}-[a-z]{3})\.k\.ripe\.net$/, 'l': /^[a-z]{2}\.([a-z]{2}-[a-z]{3})\.l\.root$/, 'm': /^m-([a-z]{3})(-[a-z]+)?-\d$/ Ray