Team, The new feature of making probes generally visible is EXCELLENT. It allows nice comparisons between different probes. For example, I just compared my Orange DSL probe to a Free probe (both France). The results are VERY interesting! (Would be interested to chat with the owner of this Free probe off line, BTW - can you ping me please?). Now of course this leads immediately to a new feature request! :-) (the curse of being popular!) It would be nice to be able to compare a number of probes side by side. In the simplest case, min/avg/max values (graphs are nice but not essential). Now of course the next feature request :-) that'll come out of this is to see the full traceroute from each probe, to be able to understand where the difference in RTT is coming from. On the positive side, the beer supply to the developers at the next RIPE meeting should be plenty! :-) Thanks for all your work! Michael