Hi all,

I have a number of traceroute measurements that end-up with status "No suitable probes". The documentation explains that this error is quite rare, the quote below is from https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/udm/

"No suitable probes: The measurement cannot currently be executed as defined due to a lack of available probes. This may be because you asked to use probes that don't exist (for example, probes in an AS in which there are no probes) or because all of the probes you requested were too busy to take on new jobs. This latter scenario is very rare however."

In my case happens in all of my latest measurement request that ask for different probes. It also happens when I use the wizard in the web interface which selects the probes automatically. 

Even weirder, some of these measurements appear to have been completed when I check the API. For instance, measurement 12244352 has status 6 (No suitable probes), and the web interface doesn't show any results. But the API endpoint shows that it has been executed and returned results:


I'd appreciate some pointers on how to resolve this issue.
