Hello Atlas, recently I found some of Websites was blocked in Ukraine with PutinWall outside Russia. These resources was not hosted in Russia as well. Further investigation shows that the trace to these resources are either through Russia, or (which is more interesting) through Russian-based carriers which are do filtering on their networks boundary which are outside Russia as well, for example, in Frankfurt. This is some impaced nets in Ukraine, but probably countries whole connected through Russia, like Kazakhstan, are more suffering. Is it possible to use Atlas probes to figure out impact of PutinWall to countries should not be impacted by Russian censorship? And may be the efficient of filtering inside Russia? That's the sample of censored URL: http://stervozzinka.dreamwidth.org/15580.html The task is to probe it from Atlas probes and put on map the mark is it accessible or not for the first result. The second stage is to figure out carriers do the filtering of trans-Russia connectivity. I believe it will be interesting for a lot of people. I see this test is possible, but possible only manually by the RIPE NCC staff.