Hi RIPE Atlas Team and Community,

I would like to know more about the status of measurements -
I have scheduled a one-off ping measurement which utilized 15 anchors. I polled the measurement status and results from my local desktop to the restful API through cousteau Python lib. The results were returned to me in less than a minute, but it took around 13 minutes for the measurement to transition from "ongoing" to "stopped." On the other side, the time delta between the "requested start time" and "requested stop time" on the RIPE Atlas portal is 9 minutes. 

My questions are:
1. Why is the measurement "ongoing" even if the results have already been made available?
2. What is the meaning of the "requested start time" and "requested stop time" on the RIPE Atlas portal?
3. Will a one-off measurement release one slot from the measurement rate limit once its result becomes available even if it’s still in "ongoing" state?
