On 22/04/2021 20:52, Ponikierski, Grzegorz via ripe-atlas wrote:
Checking first hop can be tricky because this first hop can be local router with RTT <1ms and second hop can indicate that we are on satellite connectivity. For that API for sure API must be used. Here is the full list of build in measurements: https://beta-docs.atlas.ripe.net/built-in/reference.html#traceroute-5-000-6-... <https://beta-docs.atlas.ripe.net/built-in/reference.html#traceroute-5-000-6-999> + build in ping tests for 1^st and 2^nd hop are respectively measurement #1 and #2.
Can you please elaborate on this? I have a separate need (relating to an ICANN RSSAC WG) to be able to detect high latency last mile hops but I could not identify the specific "built-in ping tests for 1st and 2nd hop" that you described. Were you perhaps suggesting that it was actually just the first couple of rows of data from the built-in *traceroute* tests that hold this data? thanks, Ray