It seems that it was the usb power adapter !



On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 3:53 PM Victor TALVAZ <> wrote:
One additional remark: seems when it's written "Disconnected" on UI, the probe is still working, I see traffic with query and associated response.


On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 3:14 PM Victor TALVAZ <> wrote:

Since some days i suffer for highly disconnects, connections to RIPE Atlas are disconnected every 10 minutes, or 50 but nothing more.

I tried to change USB stick, and tried to put it on another switch/router. Seems the same.
I have tools to monitor my FTTH line from another place, and it looks stable on both IPv4/IPv6.

I see the disconnects but there is no alert sent in SOS History and the Probe doesn't reboot.

I wonder what more I can do to see the issue ? Can it be an issue on Atlas side ? Maybe somebody from the RIPE see more infos that what I see.

PS: I can see dates on connect/disconnect that change sometimes, it's really weird.

Thanks for your help,
Victor Talvaz