dear Yunze Wei,

I transfer 70,000,000 and can help research your graduation project,
I hope the project will be completed quickly and successfully, and you can tell us the results of your project

good luck

Pada tanggal Sen, 10 Apr 2023 pukul 13.09 卫蕴泽 <> menulis:
Dear all,
Greetings! I'm a senior student at Tsinghua University, China. Recently I'm working on my graduation project, which is a IP infrastructure mapping research that requires large-scale network measurement via RIPE Atlas to verify my method. However, a simple traceroute with 6 probes need 10K+ credits. As a new user I don't have any credit to proceed, and I've no time to earn them by myself. So I'm here to ask for help. Is it possible for anyone generous enough to offer me some RIPE Atlas credits (like, 10M)?
My account at RIPE NCC is, my education email is and my student ID is 2019011285.
Many thanks for your help!

Yunze Wei
ripe-atlas mailing list

Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
Fadloe Robby
Telp/WA : 0812-5154-3201
Univeritas Lambung Mangkurat
UPT PTIK Univeritas Lambung Mangkurat
gedung Rektorat Lantai III
Jalan Brigjen H. Hasan Basri Banjarmasin 70123
Telp./Fax. (0511) 330 5195,