yeh, v5 probe registered and working fine :)

home fibre fttc v5 probe


Internet Address86.164.3.169
ASN2856 (BT-UK-AS - British Telecommunications PLC)
Local Address192.168.1.162
DNS Resolvers


Current Configuration
ASN2856 (BT-UK-AS - British Telecommunications PLC)

Probe Address Discovery 

Connection Address -
IP Echo Service - 2a00:23c5:32a2:1f01:da58:d7ff:fe03:204
The Local IP 2a00:23c5:32a2:1f01:da58:d7ff:fe03:204

Connection Information

Probe's birthday: 2022-11-10

Time ConnectedPercent
Last Week0h 18m100.00%
Last Month0h 18m100.00%
All Time0h 18m99.98%

Connection History (Showing only the last 25)

Internet AddressControllerConnected (UTC)Connected forDisconnected (UTC)Disconnected for 10:25:390h 18mStill Connected

Download Connection Logs

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SOS History (Showing only the last 25)

The probe sends a message using DNS queries every time it tries to reconnect to the system. Below you can find a list of the most recent messages. The "power-up time" column shows the approximate "powered-up time" of the probe at the time of sending the message.

ResolverTime (UTC)Query TypePower-up TimeInfo 10:24:14AAAA0h 0m 10:24:14AAAA0h 0m

On Thu, 10 Nov 2022 at 10:32, Colin Johnston <> wrote:
My v5 probe has arrived in uk :)
Probe id 60911

Can it be assigned to me please ?
Same user as probe #2317


Sent from my iPod

> On 3 Oct 2022, at 08:38, Robert Kisteleki <> wrote:
> Deal All,
> Let me provide some information about the v5 probes, as it seems some of you are interested in the details :-)
> The technical bits: the probes are derived from Turris Mox, "simplified" to match our need (e.g. no WiFi). The specs include: Marvell Armada 3720 CPU, 4GB eMMC, 512MB RAM, 1Gb ethernet, microUSB power.
> A few of these are up and running already, hosted by testers (incl. some staff). We are gearing up to start distributing them via the usual channels (applications, ambassadors, sponsors, ...)
> We do not (yet) recommend "upgrading" form earlier probes, as long as those still work. Of course we're always interested in new locations/networks to cover, so feel free to propose that! :-)
> Regards,
> Robert Kisteleki
> for the RIPE Atlas team
> --
> ripe-atlas mailing list