from> show ip bgp routes detail Number of BGP Routes matching display condition : 1 S:SUPPRESSED F:FILTERED s:STALE 1 Prefix:, Status: BI, Age: 10h37m29s NEXT_HOP:, Metric: 1869, Learned from Peer: (6939) LOCAL_PREF: 140, MED: 20, ORIGIN: igp, Weight: 0 AS_PATH: 5541 COMMUNITIES: 6939:1001 6939:1002 6939:1510 6939:1000 Last update to IP routing table: 10h37m29s, 1 path(s) installed: # Entry cached for another 60 seconds.2013/12/20 Stephane Bortzmeyer <>
On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 11:59:13AM +0100,
Lukasz Trabinski <> wrote
a message of 20 lines which said:Apparently, they did not went too far? RIPE stat does not see them
> I know that is not related with RIPE atlas, but maybe do know where
> to report in RIPE BGP hijacking topic?
Neither does the looking glass of the upstream