Hi! I managed to create DNS measurements via the REST API, but fail to set the DO and protocol:TCP option. According to the documentation (https://atlas.ripe.net/doc/measurement-creation-api/) the relevant properties are use_EDNS0 and use_tcp. So I tried it with { "definitions": [ { "is_public": true, "is_oneoff" : false, "target": "", "description": "a.dns.nic.versicherung_IP4_TCP_noDO", "type": "dns", "af": 4, "interval": 300, "use_EDNS0": false, "use_TCP": true, "use_probe_resolver": false, "use_NSID": true, "query_class": "IN", "query_type": "SOA", "query_argument": "versicherung", "udp_payload_size": 1024, "protocol": "TCP", "do": true } ], } but that does not work - the generated measurements do not use TCP and DO. When I create the measurement via the web interface and review the measurement via the REST API, I see that other properties are set: "do" and "protocol". E.g: # curl https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v1/measurement/1027747/ {"all_scheduling_requests_fulfilled": true, "can_visualise": false, "creation_time": 1380018470, "description": "TEST via WEB", "do": true, "dst_addr": "", "dst_asn": "1921", "dst_name": "", "interval": 240, "is_oneoff": true, "is_public": true, "msm_id": 1027747, "nsid": true, "participant_count": 1, "protocol": "TCP", "query": {"class": "IN", "type": "SOA", "value": "versicherung."}, "resolve_on_probe": false, "resolved_ips": [""], "result": "/api/v1/measurement/1027747/result/", "start_time": 1380018470, "status": {"id": 7, "name": "Failed"}, "stop_time": 1380018904, "type": {"id": 6, "name": "dns"}, "udp_payload_size": 512} So I tried to create measurements with the "do" and "protocol" properties, but these properties are again ignored. If I am doing something wrong, so please give me some hints. Otherwise the API documentation is wrong and these properties can not be set via REST, only via the web interface - and should be fixed. Thanks Klaus