Dear Atlas folks,
I have accidentially scheduled many faulty measurements via the API
and am now looking for a way to remove them in order to minimize
unnecessary burden on the Atlas system and not to pollute my account
& limits with unnecessary measurements.
However, the DELETE statement (AtlasStopRequest) only seems to be
able to stop ongoing measurements [1]. I always get the following
reply trying to remove any future measurement: {'error': {'detail':
'That measurement cannot be stopped', 'status': 400, 'title': 'Bad
Request', 'code': 104}}
Also, the AtlasChangeSource & AtlasChangeRequest of Cousteau [2]
can only change ongoing experiments (as I wanted to set the probes
in each measurement to 1 if I wasn´t allowed to delete any of them).
But since they are upcoming, but not ongoing, I could also not alter
I am also referring to a mailing-list post from October 2013 stating
essentially the same problem [3]. Given the significant amount of
time that has passed since then I wanted to raise this issue again.
Is there any way to delete a measurement that is in the "SPECIFIED"
state, which means that it will only be executed in the future?
I understand that we might want to avoid deletion of measurements
that have already been run in the past in order to allow others to
benefit from the results, but why shouldn´t one be allowed to
eliminate faulty measurements that have been scheduled by accident
in the future?
Thanks & a Happy New Year!
Kind regards,