On 2021/02/16 19:39 , Randy Bush wrote:
I think the answer very much depends on who you ask.
with my researcher hat on, i am curious yellow. with a minor concern for how much of the lab's resources it would consume.
I just did a small experiment with the probe firmware. Allowing and is a two line change. I tested this on V3 and V4 probes and on CentOS 7. In all 3 cases, the linux kernel does support and does not support We are not going to releasing new firmware for V1 and V2 (except to address security issues). So this a relatively small change that can go out with a future firmware release. Currently the Atlas API also blocks these netblocks. I assume, but did not verify, that this will also be a small change. In short, supporting this request is going to take only a tiny bit of time to support. Philip