It's good to have your probe back! We have this entry in the FAQ for v3 leds: https://atlas.ripe.net/about/faq/#what-do-the-lights-on-the-side-of-the-prob... - which may or may not be (or have been) helpful in your case. Cheers, Robert On 2022-01-18 11:55, Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
Philip Homburg writes:
On 2022/01/18 10:35 , Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
The LEDs on V1 and V2 probes are regular ethernet activity LEDs. I think one is link status and the other activity, but I'm not completely sure.
There used to be a list of "the other activities".
If they are not blinking then there is something wrong with the probe's ethernet connection. It could also be a lack of power. V2 probes are getting more hardware failures, but not at a rapid rate.
It works again (and no LEDs are blinking).
The connection to the ISP went up and down during the night, The software probe on the same connection did came back to life quickly but the V2 probe didn't. After the usual mangling of stuff (including reformatting the USB stick) it didn't came back. As a last resort I rebooted the modem (FRITZ!box) and that did the trick.
I'm not sure, but it seems that I lost ipv6 connection (at the probe) but had ipv4 connected, it came back after rebooting the router/modem. Maybe that confused the probe? I'll check that next time when there are problems.