On 21.04.15 9:12 , Bjørn Mork wrote:
I'm wondering a bit about the IPv6 auto-tagging. I recently reveived a v3 probe and connected it to a dual-stack enabled network. The probe was initially tagged as
2015-04-16 20:23 UTC Probe auto-tagged Your probe #22894 was automatically tagged as "system: IPv6 Capable"
but then (on the next batch run?, after a couple of quick firmware upgrades (3.3.8 => 4650 => 4680):
2015-04-17 08:23 UTC Probe auto-untagged Your probe #22894 was automatically untagged as "system: IPv6 Capable"
and there it has been since. This wouldn't worry me too much if it otherwise worked, but I noticed that the probe isn't listed with an "ASN v6" either. So I assume the missing tag prevents it from being used for v6 probing?
AFAICS, the probe does take the announced prefix, and is actually *using* the provided IPv6 connectivity. The "Connection History" shows that it consistently uses its SLAAC address to connect to the controller.
So why isn't it tagged as IPv6 capable/works etc?
In desperation I tried different netwrok settings, static address, adding v6 DNS, and fiddling with the managed/other flags along with matching DHCPv6 config. Made no difference of course. If I understood correctly, the probe firmware won't currently do any DHCPv6, and v6 DNS is optional as long as there is a working v4 resolver available.
I have had similar seemingly illogical automagic tagging actions on my probes #7 and #8. Daniel