Hello, Got one of these:
Your probe 73 has been disconnected since 2013-09-19 09:26:19 UTC.
This is an automatically generated email from RIPE Atlas. It was sent to you because you asked to be notified if your probe becomes disconnected for more than 60 minutes.
If you want to change this, or disable this notification altogether, please go to https://atlas.ripe.net/atlas/myprobes.html, click on "My Probes" and then on probe 73. In the opened tab, select "Probe's Settings" and then "Notifications" to change your settings.
Kind regards,
RIPE Atlas Team
What's unusual this time, is that I did not change anything in my network setup, and I can still ping the probe both on its local v4 and global v6 addresses. So one way of action would be to unplug and replug the probe in hope that it sorts out itself; 2nd course of action would be to simply wait and see if it reconnects on its own. If I choose this, I have to keep the Atlas website open in a browser tab, refreshing from time to time to see if the readings changed to "Connected". So what baffles me about this, why can't I get a simple E-Mail notification same way as "it went down", to tell me that "ok now it's back up"? -- With respect, Roman