Dear Miland,


As you mentioned your country Iran I searched for probes in Iran. There are 8 probes, 6 of them have a connection status of more than 1 year. Two of them have only some minutes. I would guess it is not a general issue with Inter connectivity to Iran. But this you know maybe already.



// Hans




From: ripe-atlas <> On Behalf Of Milad Afshari
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2019 12:37 PM
Subject: [atlas] Periodic Probes Outage


Dear all,


Within past days I am experiencing some periodic outage of many probes here in Iran, since I have checked all my probes and their network connections status, I guess they have some issue for connecting to the RIPE Atlas infrastructure.;country=IR&amp;search=&amp;order=__status__&amp;af=#tab-public 


please let me know your thoughts and opinions.


Many thanks
