28 Jan
28 Jan
11 a.m.
On 2021-01-27 21:23, Randy Bush wrote:
so i wanted info about a probe's config, specifically what dns resolver(s) it is using. i could not figure out how to do this. assuming it was a lack of clueons, i asked a friend with far deeper atlas fu. they said such queries are not available. really?
[ yes we have bright ideas on how to discover this indirectly by mining past data ]
but really?
Hello Randy, The simplest way to do this I know is roughly: curl "https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v2/measurements/30001/latest?format=txt" | jq -c '[.prb_id,.resultset[].dst_addr]' (I'm sure my MUA will add line breaks, it should be all on one line) HTH, Robert