Le 23/05/2016 à 14:41, Wilfried Woeber a écrit :
Has anyone tested how many writes are going on to the ATLAS thumb drive? Perhaps with all the failures within a year of start, perhaps too many writes are taking place? I know that a very small number of probes is not a valid basis for statistics, but there wasn't a USB drive failure yet for the long-term, always-on probe.
But they are powered with dedicated, stable power sources. Thus I tend to lean more towards the explanation involving level or stability of power, rather than # of writes.
FWIW, Wilfried
Regards, Hank
FWIW, my failed #12033 probe was powered using only 1 usb port from my ISP provided router. I’ve plugged the replacement one on a 2+1 A dedicated power supply. So while that second one hasn’t been around long enough to be relevant, the first one fall in the low power level issue range. Bruno