Ray, this is Africa :-)-O You can look at 1000327 if you wish as well, same location different provider. I am moving house however in May, and will get upgraded access (Fiber) from both providers. So we can see what happens as of June. 54617 is unattended in my house on the coast, but that will improve after August. And, I did pay the 99$ Deposit for Starlink (for 2022) :-)-O greetings, el On 23/04/2021 12:31, Ray Bellis wrote:
On 23/04/2021 10:12, Malte Appel wrote: [...] Here are some probes that I spotted on my own Atlas visualiser as having slow access to the DNS root system (~300ms+) followed up by queries to measurements to #1 or #2 to look for very slow last "mile" connectivity:
12803 (4G, /me waves at Eberhard!) [...]
-- Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse \ / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist el@lisse.NA / * | Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell) PO Box 8421 Bachbrecht \ / If this email is signed with GPG/PGP 10007, Namibia ;____/ Sect 20 of Act No. 4 of 2019 may apply