Excuse the double email, but +1 as well ;)

Rich Smith

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bo Ståhle <bo.sixten.staahle@uni-c.dk>
Date: 18 June 2012 18:10:52 GMT+01:00
To: ripe-atlas@ripe.net
Subject: Re: [atlas] Changes to RIPE Atlas raw data structures

On Jun 18 18:36, Rodolfo kix Garcia wrote:
thanks for your information. If you can, please continue sending
this announces to this mail list, because
IMO the mail list has low traffic and this announces are interesting.

+1 or 3 actually ;-)

Bo Sixten Ståhle
Mail: Bo.Staahle@uni-c.dk
Tel: +45 3587 8265 - Mob: +45 2921 6751 - Home Office: +45 3694 7417