Hi Arthit,

I See you were connecting. I do not think your ISP is blocking that. You can actually check it yourself by executing.

telnet tealc.atlas.ripe.net 443

If it succeeds then your have non-network related problem. Most probably it can be because of weak power supply. Some routers cannot deliver enough power through USD to feed probes. Try to get external usb power supply.



On 7/21/13 8:13 PM, Arthit Suriyawongkul wrote:

My experience is that, my probe will be connected for like an hour and then disconnected.
Any clue?
Does it possible that my ISP notice the probe and cut the connection?

On Jul 18, 2013 1:30 PM, "Alex Saroyan" <alexsaroyan@gmail.com> wrote:

Arthit, the switch does nothing with the current firmware, so doesn't matter on which position you keep the switch.


On 07/07/2013 12:34 AM, Arthit Suriyawongkul wrote:
Hi I'm Arthit from Bangkok. New here.

The switch at the probe is now at "3G/4G".
Should i change to WISP or AP?
