Very interesting research indeed! Section "ASes most prone to RTTs greater than 1 second" contained enough information for me to find these hosts, no need to contact authors. Quest complete, thank you! -- With Best Regards, Marat Khalili On 26/05/17 16:32, Emile Aben wrote:
Hi Marat,
there are big datasets of results of people that did already ICMP scans of the Internet, that contain timestamps, from which you could extract hosts with large RTTs. This is a scan from Univ. Michigan (as i understand it): https://censys.io/data/0-icmp-echo_request-full_ipv4
This research paper: http://conferences2.sigcomm.org/imc/2015/papers/p303.pdf describes how they found IP addresses with high RTTs (5% of IP address space that was probed had >5s RTT for 5% of the time). Maybe you can contact the authors if you are interested in this data?
hope this helps, Emile Aben RIPE NCC
On 26/05/17 14:17, Marat Khalili wrote:
Annika, Borja, thank you for the suggestions. I'll consider purpose-building such host, but still hope to stumble upon existing one (some remote observatory on a satellite link probably...)
With Best Regards, Marat Khalili
On 26/05/17 14:57, Annika Wickert wrote:
You could try to test with this tool: https://github.com/tylertreat/comcast
On 26.05.17 13:51, Marat Khalili wrote:
I have an interesting problem: I need some host that doesn't mind being pinged but with several seconds of RTT (that's thousands milliseconds; from Moscow, but it probably doesn't matter). Amazingly, I could not easily find one. I even tried to ping-scan IP ranges of Antarctica, but those hosts that responded did so in fraction of a second. Not much luck with North Korea (mostly down), Taiwan (internet is much better than it used to be) and several other suspect countries. (Though I'm not sure my tests are correct, since firewall processing of such long response times is one of the things I'm trying to find out.)
Is it possible to somehow find one using RIPE ATLAS, preferably without ping-scanning whole internet? Would be especially great if it responded to other types of ping beside ICMP.
With Best Regards, Marat Khalili