On 5/4/12 23:17 , Jérôme Benoit wrote:
On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 13:09:39 +0200 "Marco Davids (SIDN)"<marco.davids@sidn.nl> wrote:
As SamKnows been mentioned here? There's quite some resemblance between SamKnows and Atlas, and changes for synergy as well. Yes, there are both a closed-source with a secret roadmap project for no good reasons that force similar project that prefer FOSS licences and development model to re-implement software that perform active and passive measurement primitive in the FOSS fashion and hopefully with a better thought architecture to cope with a wide range of needs and large scale campaign coordination runt on end-users "computers" :)
I don't know about SamKnows, but for RIPE Atlas, talks contain a lot of details about how the system works. To the extent that there is a well defined road map, we talk about it. As much as I like open source projects, I really don't see it working for the current Atlas system. Probe are just too fragile, the whole system is too complex. Does releasing the Atlas source benefit the RIPE community? I don't know. Fortunately, that is not my decision to make. There is not a lot of magic in Atlas. It is mostly just hard work to get all the details right. If you have a dedicated team in an open source project, then you should be able to duplicate our work. You can always for feedback on any design, or ask how we do things. One word of warning though: try avoid the second system effect. If your system is going to do everything it may never get there.