Hi Pavel,

The actual shards data for your automation you can get from http://atlas.ripe.net/atlas/myprobes.html page

This is in the
Atlas.ShardFix() function:

Atlas.ShardFix = function(prb_id) {
var sn = Math.floor(prb_id/100)+"";
  var s = {
: "http://zpm01.atlas.ripe.net", "1": "http://zpm01.atlas.ripe.net", "2": "http://zpm01.atlas.ripe.net",
"3": "http://zpm01.atlas.ripe.net", "4": "http://zpm01.atlas.ripe.net", "5": "http://zpm02.atlas.ripe.net",
: "http://zpm02.atlas.ripe.net", "7": "http://zpm02.atlas.ripe.net", "8": "http://zpm02.atlas.ripe.net",
: "http://zpm02.atlas.ripe.net", "10": "http://zpm03.atlas.ripe.net", "11": "http://zpm03.atlas.ripe.net",
: "http://zpm03.atlas.ripe.net", "13": "http://zpm03.atlas.ripe.net", "14": "http://zpm03.atlas.ripe.net",
"15": "http://zpm03.atlas.ripe.net", "20": "http://zpm04.atlas.ripe.net", "21": "http://zpm04.atlas.ripe.net",
"22": "http://zpm04.atlas.ripe.net", "23": "http://zpm04.atlas.ripe.net", "24": "http://zpm04.atlas.ripe.net"

return (sn in s ? s[sn] : '');

In near future we will implement a Ajax call for that if people want.

Best regards


On 2/5/12 11:45 AM, Robert Kisteleki wrote:

On 2012.02.04. 13:48, Pavel V. Veselovskiy wrote:
For our purposes, we use RRD image generator and get plots from the
different probes. We used the recommendations that described on this page:
http://atlas.ripe.net/doc/api .
We found, that this information is not actual. So we would like to suggest
you to update it:
•    probe ID < 500: zpm01.atlas.ripe.net <http://zpm01.atlas.ripe.net>.
•    probe ID >= 500 and probe ID < 1000: zpm02.atlas.ripe.net
•    probe ID >= 1000 and probe ID < 2000: zpm03.atlas.ripe.net
•    probe ID >= 2000 and probe ID < 3000: zpm04.atlas.ripe.net
Nice catch. We've reshuffled this distribution on Thursday-Friday, and did
not update the documentation page then. Now it should be up to date again --
with almost exactly what you wrote above.

In addition, it would be nice if the page with the documentation will
contain more extensive and detailed information about the API.
Recently we developed some APIs that are used to provide more information to
the UI. Also, the more interactive the system becomes (especially with User
Defined Measurements) the more APIs we'll expose.

We'll add descriptions of these to the documentation.


Thanks in advance
& Best Regards
Pavel Veselovskiy
Email: pavelveselovskiy@gmail.com <mailto:pavelveselovskiy@gmail.com>
Phone: +7 927 686 12 32