Robert Kisteleki wrote:
Hello, [...]
Another option that just came to my mind is to send an activity report every month or so. This could then include a fraction of time the probe was up and/or connectivity was present. Maybe with a link to the status webpage. So that people are reminded of the existence of the probe once in a while. (Of course this should again be an opt-in mechanism. I would certainly subscribe.)
Virtually all the information you mention is available on the probe status page already,
Correct. Also the possibility to download the "raw data" is great, many thanks for that!
but indeed we could introduce a mechanism to send reports to the host. Let us know if you'd like such a feature.
This actually led me to changing the subject line. Right now consumption of the data and results on the probe owners' ends is based on "pull". Which is a Good Thing [TM] in itself. However, without doing extensive and error-prone scripting, it is difficult to automate and to feed into exisiting local machinery. So - here is a plee for coming up with some framework that allows me to have (selected .or. all) data *pushed* to a target on my end. This could be as simple as sending that stuff to a mailbox I vreate for that purpose and which I can register with the data repoitory hub. Of course, some safeguards apply to prevent from people "data-bombing" innocent recipients :-) This would also support sharing the data for my probe(s) with other parties for comparison - at least as long as there isn't a more fine-grained access permission system in place at the hub than [private .xor. fully-public]. Any other distribution technology that may be appropriate is fine, of course. I would immediately use that service to collect and archive "my data" on a regular basis!
Regards, Robert
best Fabian
Thanks, Wilfried.