Hi, Actually both my initial examples waited much more then 30 minutes. One case was resolved by Alastair yesterday, why I wrote here now on the mailing list because seems this is global problem. Regards. /Alex On 05/23/2013 04:13 PM, Fearghas McKay wrote:
On 23 May 2013, at 13:01, Robert Kisteleki <robert@ripe.net> wrote:
This person applied/registered. As long as the MAC+email combination matches what the ambassador said, the process is automatic in about 30 minutes. If they don't match we have to do something manually, so it takes more time. Then this goes against what I was told as an Ambassador, that it didn't matter if the addresses were different. ~half of the probes I have handed out will probably be using different addresses. Perhaps the 30 minutes information could be updated to let people know that there may be a difference.