25 Apr
25 Apr
7:25 p.m.
OK. Can I make that a UI feature request then? (the setup warns me about other stuff like not having enough credits...) -- On Thu, 25 Apr 2013, Viktor Naumov wrote:
Hi Ben,
You're right. Visualization with RRDs is limited to 20 probes. There is access to the raw data for your service, so you can visualize it the way you wish.
Best regards
Victor Naumov
On 4/25/13 6:21 PM, Ben Clifford wrote:
When I create ping UDMs with 20 probes, I get RRDs.
When I create ping UDMs with 25 probes, the "visualize" checkbox gets turned off somehow and I don't get RRDs.
Is there something funny going on? (or is there something else forcing visualize off that i have miscorrelated with the probe count).