
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Lex van Roon <r3boot@r3blog.nl> wrote:

Since 09-04-2013, the RRD graphs for one of my probes (#4680) arent being
updated anymore, although the probe itself is still connected and
actively performing checks. The probe is connected to ronin. Is there an
issue on this controller?

FWIW, I can't confirm this issue. Probe #155 (also connected to ronin.atlas.ripe.net) reports 2013-04-11 12:05:38 UTC as k.root's last measurement update.

Im not 100% sure that this is the right place to ask these questions, so
let me know if I'm doing it wrong :)

Kind Regards,

Lex van Roon
LRO-RIPE | 398E38C3 | 748D 6359 389B 4E5A 4A44 82F5 BEC5 07FD 398E 38C3

Regards from Madrid,


- Así que este es el futuro del hombre: calentarse a los rayos del sol, bañarse en las claras corrientes de agua, y comer los frutos de la tierra olvidando todo trabajo y fatiga.

- Bueno, y por qué no?

"El tiempo en sus manos"