Mine has been acting up lately as well. Changed the router (no dice), ethernet cable (likewise), then the power supply, which improved matters quite some until earlier today. Right now it's still down, despite the router it is hooked up to functioning as it should. It has been up close to eight years. Going to change routers again tonight when I get home (5 static IPs, 5 routers, so there are options). I'm wondering, in case the probe continues to have issues, is there a way to get a replacement? Or, come to think of it, replace the probe with some code on smallish hardware, like a Raspberry Pi? Thx! -Cornelius Gert Doering wrote:
On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 09:04:45AM -0800, Christopher Morrow wrote:
maybe the flash card is going sad? and just doing the proscribed :"get new card, power down, swap card, wait for 30 mins, profit" will make things happy again? worse case it costs you a 4g flash card :)
v1 probes do not have USB flash yet - which is good, because that particular annoyance doesn't happen :-)
OTOH, it might be just dieing of old age, after like 8-9 years.
Gert Doering -- NetMaster