Dear RIPE Atlas users, We're happy to announce that another RIPE Atlas anchor has joined the network and is now available as a target for probe hosts conducting their own user-defined measurements. The new anchor is called kz-plx-as21282 and it is hosted by KazNIC Organization in Semey, Kazakhstan. Anchoring measurements (ping, ping6, traceroute and traceroute6) are scheduled towards this anchor from all the other anchors as well as several hundred probes, providing a continual overview of regional reachability. Results of these measurements are available as raw data in JSON format, and visualised on the map and "seismograph" with many configurable features. You can access the anchoring measurements for all anchors at: Learn more about RIPE Atlas anchors at: Thank you for participating in RIPE Atlas! Kind regards, Measurements Community Building Team RIPE NCC