Hello, I'm really happy to see real community help here! :-) A few extra words from my perspective:
Is anyone aware of a list of probe ID numbers which are definitively known to be on some form of satellite-based access technology? I am thinking of, for instance, sites on consumer grade geostationary VSATs, more serious VSATs, or in island nations which are not known to have any submarine cables.
We encourage hosts to tag their probes with whatever they find useful to share. I consider the connection type as one such useful attribute. Not everyone does this but indeed as Grzegorz says:
https://atlas.ripe.net//api/v2/probes/?tags=Satellite https://atlas.ripe.net//api/v2/probes/?tags=VSAT
This is what hosts already did. The list is likely not complete, and may contain false positives.
Funny thing is that 'VSAT' is not visible in https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v2/probes/tags/
I can explain this: all user-assigned tags start their lives on one probe. Some tags are not likely to be ever used by multiple hosts (eg. "email_[address]_for_questions"), others become popular and are used on multiple probes. We periodically "approve" the ones that look like they are common, so they publicly pop up in various places, eg. the one you point to above. I just approved the VSAT tag.
This gives you the list of probes that have a last-mile median RTT (endpoint_type=LM&median__gte=495) higher than 495ms: https://ihr.iijlab.net/ihr/api/network_delay/?timebin=2021-04-21T00%3A15&endpoint_type=LM&median__gte=495
I suspect Stephen will soon offer a self-service alternative using BigQuery any minute now :-) Cheers, Robert