On Fri, 4 May 2012 17:39:51 +0200 Dan Luedtke <maildanrl@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,
what are your opinions on sharing stats from a probe to the public?
My idea: I have a public probe and public UDMs running, and I would like to embed the "last 8 hours" graphs into a website where people can see it, even those that do not have access to RIPE Atlas. Do you think it is a good idea to ask for a feature that splits the "Public" checkbox into two ones saying "Public (ATLAS Community)" and "Public (Internet)"?
The only potential problem I see is if people embed those graph images on popular websites, the Atlas project will need to serve a lot of requests from the public - probably not a big issue, but would need to be considered. In the meantime, I imagine you could whip up a script to periodically screen-scrape the Atlas interface to grab a copy of the graph you want to share with the world and cache it on your server; whether that would be considered OK by RIPE, I don't know, but I see no real reason it shouldn't. -- David Precious ("bigpresh") <davidp@preshweb.co.uk> http://www.preshweb.co.uk/ www.preshweb.co.uk/twitter www.preshweb.co.uk/linkedin www.preshweb.co.uk/facebook www.preshweb.co.uk/cpan www.preshweb.co.uk/github