On Thu, 22 Mar 2007, RIPE Meeting wrote: А вот дополнительная информация о том, как запрашивать invitation letter для эстонской визы российским гражданам: From: Meeting <meeting@ripe.net> To: Larisa A. Yurkina <ula@ripn.net> Subject: RIPE 54 Meeting: visa for Russia Dear Larisa, Would you be so kind as to provide me with the following information for your visa arrangements for Estonia: -A good copy of your passport -Your exact home address (including zip code and such) -If you have it, a good copy of your work and/or residence permit (for where you live) With a good copy I mean a scan that actually shows the details, I've seen faxed copies that weren't legible at all. Should you have any question, please contact me. Best regards, Sandra Gijzen Копия пропуска-то зачем? :( И почему недостаточно просто указать данные паспорта, как обычно, а сканировать документы? Это эстоонцы придумали или RIPE NCC так старается? И что это за особая такая 'visa for Russia'? И почему надо устраивать RIPE Meeting в стране, куда визу надо получать 30 дней? Удивительно.
[Apologies for duplicate e-mails]
Dear Colleagues,
RIPE 54 will be held 7 - 11 May 2007, at the Sokos Hotel Viru in Tallinn, Estonia.
MEETING PLAN ============ The RIPE 54 Meeting plan is available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-54/meeting-plan.html
REGISTRATION ============ To register for RIPE 54, please see: https://lirportal.ripe.net/lirportal/meeting/register/40
MEETING FEE =========== The meeting fee is EUR 400. This covers the full RIPE Meeting week. You receive a EUR 50 discount if your payment is received before 12:00 CET on Friday, 4 May 2007.
DAY TICKETS =========== Day tickets are also available and cost EUR 125 per day.
TRAVEL VISA FOR ESTONIA ======================= We advise you to check whether you need visa to enter Estonia: http://www.mfa.ee/eng/kat_132/915.html
If you do require a visa to enter the Estonia, please request one a soon as possible as it can take up to 30 days to complete the visa process. We are also happy to provide you with an invitation letter for your visa request. When you have completed the meeting registration, details of how you can request an invitation letter will be sent to you in the confirmation e-mail.
RIPE 54 INFORMATION =================== For more information about RIPE 54, please see: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-54/index.html
If you have any further questions, please contact: <meeting@ripe.net>.
Regards, Sandra Gijzen RIPE NCC
With respect, Larisa Yurkina --- RIPN Registry center -----