Dear all,
We are all witnessing unprecedented circumstances world-wide due to the spread of COVID-19 virus. Some of the preventative measures like travel restrictions, quarantines and university and lab closures in some areas have also potentially affected the work
going on in our community. Several of you have asked us to consider postponing the deadline due to the these extraordinary circumstances. We fully sympathize with these requests. We would hate to see this causing anyone to miss the deadline, with all the hard
work that has gone into it.
After a careful deliberation and a discussion with the steering committee, we have decided to postpone the Mobicom 2020 winter deadline by 2 weeks. We hope this can help. We understand that this may not be enough for some of us, but this is the most we
can postpone while still being able to prepare a high-quality program in time for the conference.
But most importantly, please stay safe and follow the appropriate health advices! Keep in mind that Mobicom now has two submissions a year, and we publish accepted papers online twice a year. So even if this extension doesn’t help, we will do our best
to get your work acknowledged in a timely fashion.
Your sincerely,
Mobicom 2020 TPC chairs