For RACI community,
ACM SIGOPS APSys is calling for submissions:
15th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems
(APSys 2024)
Kyoto, Japan
September 4-5, 2024
The 15th SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems will be held in Kyoto, Japan
on September 4-5, 2024. Building on the success of its predecessors, APSys
2024 will continue to be a lively forum for systems researchers and
practitioners across the world to meet, interact, and collaborate with their
peers from the Asia/Pacific region. APSys takes a broad view of systems,
including but no limited to:
* Operating systems
* Virtualization
* File and storage systems
* Networked systems
* Mobile, embedded, and IoT systems
* Cloud computing and data centers
* Edge computing
* Big data systems
* Distributed systems
* Green and sustainable computing
* Debugging, testing, verification
* Measurement, monitoring, and modeling
* Reliability, scalability, and fault tolerance
* Security and privacy
* Systems for machine learning, machine learning for systems
* Hardware and software interaction
* Experience with deployed systems
* Blockchain and cryptocurrency systems
# Submissions
Submissions should be five or fewer pages in length excluding references,
formatted in standard ACM two-column conference style with 10-pt font
size. Authors should consult the ACM website
( for the up to date
template. Reviewing will be double-blind: no author or affiliation information
should appear in the submission. The authors should additionally follow the
best practice in order not to disclose their identities implicitly. A
submission may present preliminary results, propose a new research direction,
provide insightful retrospective, or offer a provocative viewpoint on an
important systems topic. Papers will be selected based on their likelihood of
generating insightful technical discussions at the workshop and influencing
future systems research. Relevant attributes include originality, technical
merit, clarity, and technical relevance. Accepted papers will appear in the
proceedings of the workshop, which will be published in the ACM Digital
Library. Consistent with standard scholarly practice, the authors should not
have substantially similar work in review anywhere else.
# Important Dates
Abstract due: April 25, 2024 AoE
Submission due: May 2, 2024 AoE
Notification to authors: July 1, 2024
Camera-ready due: July 30, 2024
Workshop: September 4-5, 2024