For RACI fellows, ACM SenSys deadline is approaching: Important Dates: Paper Registration and Abstract June 24th 2024, 23:59 AoE Paper Submission July 1st 2024, 23:59 AoE Notification of Paper Acceptance September 18th 2024 LaTeX submissions should use the acmart.cls template (sigconf option), with the 10-pt font. The 9-pt format will be used for the camera-ready version of accepted papers. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their submissions. Although submission is double-blind, existence or availability of non-anonymous preprints (on arXiv or other preprint servers) will not lead to your paper being rejected. Reviewers will be instructed not to actively look for such preprints but encountering them will not constitute a conflict of interest. Papers that do not meet the size, formatting, and anonymization requirements will not be reviewed. We require each paper to be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and submitted through the conference submission system at: Aaron -- CPI Lab Director & Associate Professor, TU Delft Scientific Director & Coordinator for EU Horizon SPATIAL Editorial Board for ACM TIOT & Springer Nature Computing Homepage: