MobiSys 2021: Call for Workshops

MobiSys is a premier venue for researchers working in the area of mobile and wireless systems, middleware, services, and applications. We solicit workshop proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference, likely in late June or in July. Workshop papers will be included with the MobiSys proceedings and published in the ACM Digital Library. Duration and format of the workshop is very flexible to best adapt to the audience and workshop goal.

The deadline for submitting proposals is February 28th 2021

Topics of interest

We expect proposals on new and emerging topics in the general area of mobile and wireless systems, services, and applications. The ideal workshop proposal will focus on a timely and emerging topic, and be able to attract a number of interesting and high-quality contributions that spark discussions in an informal setting. The goal is to stimulate interactive conversations and inspire new research ideas. We will likely feature a mix of some returning and some new workshops.

Submission guidelines

The proposal should be no longer than three pages and should clearly identify:

  1. Name of the workshop
  2. Name, affiliation and contact of each organizer
  3. A brief statement of interest including a description and rationale for the workshop topic and its relevance to the MobiSys community, as well as a comparison with existing workshops on related topics (if applicable)
  4. List of names and affiliations of potential program/TPC committee members
  5. List of potential keynotes or invited speakers (if applicable)
  6. Planned format of the workshop, including a strategy to facilitate lively discussions and attendee involvement considering the virtual settings
  7. Expected number of submissions and participants
  8. If previous editions have been held, a description of past versions of the workshop, including: number of submitted and accepted papers, and number of attendees
  9. A description of the publicity plan
  10. A draft of call for papers with workshop deadlines (aligned with the relevant Important Dates below)


  1. All workshops will be held virtually as the main MobiSys conference
  2. Workshop organizers will have to coordinate with the organizing team for virtual event facilities, registration chairs for registration, and publication chairs for camera ready papers and videos (if relevant)
  3. Workshop organizers can use their own submission website or use one provided by ACM


Please send your proposal in PDF format via e-mail to the workshop chair, including “MobiSys 2021 Workshop proposal” in the subject line.

Submissions must be received by the deadline below.

Important Dates

Proposal Submission Deadline February 28th 2021
Notification of Acceptance March 8th 2021
Workshop Submission Deadline April 9th 2021
Camera Ready Deadline June 4th 2021
Workshop Date July 2020

Workshops Chair

If you have any question do not hesitate to contact the workshop chair: Diego Perino, Telefonica Research, Spain, 

Kleomenis Katevas
Research Scientist, Telefónica R&D

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