Dear all,

I am Hazel Murray, a final year PhD student from Ireland. I am studying password security and authentication.

In my research I am measuring the trade-off that exists between the costs and benefits of securing authentication systems.

Myself and my supervisor, Prof. David Malone, are carrying out a survey aimed at system administrators,  IT services staff and anyone in charge of security and authentication for an organisation.

The survey is investigating the time and costs that are associated with enforcing different authentication rules.

Would anyone be able to complete this 10 minute survey please:

Also feel free to circulate it to anyone you think might be interested.

We do also have a second survey exploring burdens on users which is here if you are interested:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me:

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Hazel Murray

Maynooth University 
Hamilton Institute

Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholar 

Maynooth University, Maynooth, 
Co. Kildare, Ireland.
