Dear all,

This year’s TMA will take place virtually. To accommodate highly promising work that benefits from early feedback and usually would be presented in a poster session, TMA 2020 solicits contributions for Lightning Talks. Lightning talks will give the opportunity for PhD students and young researchers to present their work-in-progress. An award will give credit to the best presentation.

What is a lightning talk?

A lightning talk is a 3 minute pre-recorded presentation of work-in-progress. Topics of interest include concepts, experiences, and results in the collection, processing, analysis, or visualization of network measurements across the entire network stack.

All pre-recordings will be presented in a dedicated session during the TMA online conference. To connect presenters and participants, we will allow for live Q&A after the presentations. 

Recordings and abstracts will be published on the TMA web page after the conference.

What do we expect from the recordings?

You are encouraged to find creative solutions to convey your research in a compelling way. You are not limited to slideshows with voice overs but can integrate videos, animations, etc. The only limit is the 3 minute time slot you have.

A Lightning Talk Award will be given to the best presentation.

What to submit?

In order to participate, please submit a one-page abstract (double column, 10pt, IEEE Transactions template) that describes your work concisely. Feel free to add a link to a preliminary version of your video. For further details, please check

In case of questions, please, contact Matthias Waehlisch

Important dates: