Please consider applying for student registration awards before the deadline of Sept-20th! Cheers, Ignacio ---------------------------------- IEEE ICNP 2021 Student Registration Awards The purpose of the Student Registration Award is to encourage students' participation in the conference by funding their conference registration. The program is made possible with the kind support of the IEEE Technical Committee in Distributed Processing (TCDP). All students are eligible for the award to attend ICNP conference but the priorities will be given to - female students, - students who are presenting a paper, poster or demo, - students who are co-authors of accepted papers including poster or demo papers and who are not presenting at the conference, - students who are authors of papers submitted but not included in the program, - students in early stages of their Ph.D. studies without alternate means of support, - students who are the first-time attendees to ICNP. We also take into account extenuating circumstances that are discussed in statements and letters. Applicants are expected to show evidence of a serious interest in networking, as demonstrated by coursework and project experience. ICNP particularly encourages the participation of women and students including co-authors. How to Apply The following information should be submitted: - A CV with complete contact information and the correct email address. - A short personal statement (1 or 2 paragraphs, no more than 1 page) that includes information that you, the applicant, feel is relevant to support your case. This includes why the conference attendance is important to your research and career development. You should mention any papers or posters you submitted or had accepted, and whether or not you are presenting any work (including if it is in the main track or workshop). - A letter from your advisor (or a faculty contact if you do not have an advisor) which: - Confirms your good standing in the institution; - Explains why you would benefit from attending ICNP as well as how you could contribute to the conference; - Explain the current funding status and why the applicant is in need of the registration award; - If you are a co-author of an accepted paper, the advisor should indicate whether other co-authors will be attending the conference and who is presenting. Applications that do not include the above items will not be considered. Submit your application (one zip file) through email at:<> with the title [ICNP 2021 Registration Award]. The awardee will get a discount code for registration. Important Dates Submission deadline: September 20, 2021 Notification of acceptance: September 30, 2021 Student Award Committee - Chen Qian (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA) - Kate Ching-Ju Lin (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)