Dear all,

My book Immersion and Participation in Punchdrunk's Theatrical Worlds (Bloomsbury) is now available in paperback, hardback and e-book ( It is an in-depth exploration of immersion and participation in cross-platform spaces, and introduces a theoretical framework that allows for interrogation of virtual and physical scenographies and the inflection of conditions of possibility by how audience/user agency is modelled by their designers. 

The book is written around case studies of Punchdrunk, Chinese Room, Blast Theory, The Mill and other digital and cross-platform designers and an in-depth ethnographic study of how audiences and makers perceive interaction across interfaces. To accommodate analyses of cross-platform experience designed for immersive experience, I drew on critiques of representation in and beyond performance, media philosophy, critical posthumanism and infrastructure studies to articulate questions around space and place in interactive systems. 

Central to the book is a study of how experience is produced in interaction with designed virtual or physical spaces by audiences, and the role of complicity. The theoretical framework that the book introduces affords analyses of material cultures and the influence of technology on interaction design in theatre and beyond, and offers a blueprint for next-generation immersive design and scenography for interactive multimedia environments. 

Carina Westling
Lecturer, Cross-Platform Media
Bournemouth University
ORCID 0000-0002-6549-0974
Twitter: @doctrixwestling