Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference - TMA 2020
June 10-12, 2020
Berlin, Germany
+ Paper registration/submission: February 17/February 24, 2020
+ Paper notification: April 14, 2020
The 4th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference 2020 (TMA) is
soliciting paper submissions for a February deadline! Full details can be
found at
NEW: TMA 2020 has a double blind submission policy – author names and
affiliations should not be included. See further details at
***Call for Papers***
Started back in 2009 as a workshop, the TMA Conference is today a selective
venue for the presentation of early-stage and mature research – as well
as controversial work – on all aspects of network measurements and
analysis. We invite submissions presenting concepts, experiences, and
results in the collection, processing, analysis and visualization of
network measurements across the entire network stack. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
* Traffic measurement, analysis, characterization, visualization and
* Use of data analytics, data mining, artificial intelligence and machine
learning in network measurement and analysis
* Use of big data, high-rate processing and data reduction in network
measurement, analysis and visualization
* Measurements of data centers or cloud-based systems
* Measurements of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and Virtual Network
Functions (VNF)
* Measurements of home, mobile and wireless traffic including devices with
multiple network paths
* Application-layer measurements, including web services, social networks,
mobile applications
* Measurement techniques and metrics for evaluating new emerging networked
applications (IoT, eHealth, vehicular)
* Measurements of quality of service and quality of experience, for network
services using audio, video, virtual/augmented reality and gaming
* Measurements of network performance, network structure and network
* Measurement of traditional and new protocols (e.g. TCP, MPTCP, HTTP/2,
QUIC) and modes of communication (e.g. NFC and IoT)
* Measurements on testbeds, experimental networks or prototype networks
* Platforms for measurement, troubleshooting, management, and control of
operational networks
* Simulation and modelling for network measurements, analysis and
* Identification and classification of traffic, including encrypted and
proprietary protocols
* Techniques for and implications of privacy preservation, enhancement and
anonymization in the context of traffic measurements
* Applications of traffic analysis for security,
anomaly/vulnerability/attack detection and user profiling/privacy
* Current and emerging regulatory frameworks for measurement, analysis and
* Validation and repeatability of measurements, shared datasets,
collaborative platforms
Papers accepted for presentation will be published in the IFIP Open Digital
Library, with open access. Top papers will be invited to submit an extended
version of their paper to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service
Management (Impact Factor 4.682) for fast-track processing.
***Submission Instructions***
Submissions must not exceed 8 pages in IEEE 2-column style, including
references. Papers must be submitted at The article metadata, including
title, up-to-250-word abstract, and authors list, must be provided before
the paper registration deadline.
***Important Dates***
* Paper registration: February 17, 2020
* Paper submission: February 24, 2020
* Author notification: April 14, 2020
* Camera ready: May 11, 2020
* Conference dates: June 10-12, 2020