The 11th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS 2024) in conjunction with SC24 (Supercomputing)
Atlanta, Georgia, USA | November 17th, 2024
We invite researchers and engineers to submit high-quality technical academic papers to the 11th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS 2024). The workshop will be held in conjunction with the SC24: IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (Supercomputing), which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, November 17-22, 2024. We invite papers that propose new and novel techniques that increase the capacity and functionality of scientific computing and high-performance networks. This workshop encourages submissions that address one or more of the workshop topics addressing networking research challenges; and developments that are essential in information systems infrastructure for the scientific discovery process.
We also welcome participants from SCinet to present high-quality experimental papers on their latest designs and solutions. SCinet, as the high-speed network engine of the SC conference, represents state of the art, connects many demonstrators of big science data processing infrastructures at the highest line speeds, deploys the newest technologies available, and demonstrates network instrumentation techniques and novel functionality. The show floor network connects to many laboratories and universities worldwide using high-bandwidth connections.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Network innovations: novel approaches, protocols and algorithms to meet the current and emerging requirements for data intensive applications.
* High-performance network testbeds and simulations for parallel and distributed science experiments and workloads.
* High-performance and large-scale network monitoring, control and management services.
* Software-defined networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in service of data science applications.
* Machine learning algorithms for network telemetry, performance measurements, network and Input/Output (I/O) profile analytics, and high-touch solutions on network packets, flows and hardware stats to identify patterns and troubleshooting issues.
* Compute in-network (aka edge- middleware computing platforms) and offloaded infrastructure services on programmable hardware (e.g. FPGA).
* High-performance data streaming and memory-to-memory transfer applications and techniques
* Wireless and Quantum networking and testbeds.
* End-to-end quality of service (QoS) performance and Traffic Engineering (TE) applications.
* Multi-domain networking, including hybrid clouds and multi-domain authorization.
* Scientific data privacy, security, integrity, provenance and sharing in multi-domain environments.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Due: August 1st, 2024
Notification of acceptance: September 5th, 2024
Camera-ready version: September 27th, 2024
Workshop Date: November 17th, 2024
Submission Guidelines:
Papers will be published in the SC24 conference workshop proceedings through IEEE TCHPC upon approval. Workshop papers are expected to be in IEEE standard conference format (two-column and 10 point font size) with 8-10 pages for full papers and 4 pages for short papers describing novel work in the topics of interest. Experiments from SCinet and show floor are encouraged (e.g. Traveling FABRIC node). Manuscripts should be submitted via the SC Linklings system (Visit Wokshop website for more information).
Organizing Committee:
Anees Al-Najjar: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA (Co-Chair)
Akbar Kara: Ciena Corporation, TX, USA (Co-Chair)
Nik Sultana: Illinois Institute of Technology, IL, USA
Cees de Laat: Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherland
Mariam Kiran: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA
Dear colleagues,
Summer is officially here but don't put away your computers just yet! We
are already preparing for the upcoming RIPE meeting in Prague and are glad
to inform you that the RACI call for application is now open.
As always, successful applicants will receive complimentary tickets, travel
and accommodation to the meeting and the opportunity to present their
If you are working on something interesting, please apply! If you know
someone in your network who is, please forward them this message.
To apply, submit a short abstract and draft slides via:
* Application deadline*
RIPE 89 (28 Oct – 1 Nov 2024, Prague): apply by 16 August 2024
* Examples of relevant topics*
- Network measurements and analyses
- IPv6 deployment
- BGP routing
- Network security
- Internet governance
- Peering and interconnectivity
- Internet of Things
- Sustainability in ICT
*Stay connected*
Join our group on LinkedIn:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Looking forward to receiving your submissions and wishing you a great
Kind regards,
For RACI community,
ACM SenSys is calling for contributions.
ACM SenSys'24, November 2024, Hangzhou, China
The 22nd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2024) is the premier computer systems conference focused on the architecture, design, implementation, and performance of networked sensing systems, sensor-oriented data modeling and intelligence, and sensor-enabled applications. ACM SenSys brings together academic, industry, and government professionals to a single-track, highly selective forum that takes a broad view on the areas of computing relevant to the future of networked embedded sensor systems. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to, the following:
● New platforms and hardware designs for networked sensor systems
● New communication paradigms for ubiquitous connectivity
● Low-power wireless media access control, network, and transport protocol designs
● Systems software, including operating systems, network stacks, and programming
● System services such as time and location estimation
● Low-power operation, energy harvesting, and energy management
● Resource-efficient machine learning for embedded and mobile platforms
● Mobile and pervasive systems with elements of networked sensing
● Data management and analytics, including quality, integrity, and trustworthiness
● Learning algorithms and models for perception, understanding, and adaptation
● Heterogeneous collaborative sensing, including human-robot sensor systems
● Security and privacy in networked sensor applications and systems
● Fault-tolerance, dependability, and verification
● Applications and deployment experiences
We invite technical papers describing original ideas, groundbreaking results, and real-world experiences involving innovative networked embedded sensor systems. Successful submissions will explain why the topic is relevant to a vision of the future of sensing systems. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, clarity, relevance, and correctness.
Important Dates:
Paper Registration and Abstract June 24th 2024, 23:59 AoE
Paper Submission July 1st 2024, 23:59 AoE
Notification of Paper Acceptance September 18th 2024
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must be unpublished and must not be currently under review for any other publication. Submissions must be full papers, at most 12 single-spaced 8.5” x 11” pages with 10-pt font size in two-column format, including figures and tables. As for references, submissions may include as many pages as needed. All submissions must use the LaTeX (preferred) or Word styles found from
LaTeX submissions should use the acmart.cls template (sigconf option), with the 10-pt font. The 9-pt format will be used for the camera-ready version of accepted papers. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their submissions. Although submission is double-blind, existence or availability of non-anonymous preprints (on arXiv or other preprint servers) will not lead to your paper being rejected. Reviewers will be instructed not to actively look for such preprints, but encountering them will not constitute a conflict of interest. Papers that do not meet the size, formatting, and anonymization requirements will not be reviewed. We require each paper to be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and submitted through the conference submission system at
Papers that describe experiments on human subjects, or that analyze nonpublic data derived from human subjects (even anonymized data), should briefly describe how the research protocol addresses ethical considerations and whether their work was vetted by an ethics review (e.g., IRB approval). We expect authors to follow the rules of their host institutions around data collection and experiments with human subjects.
Accepted submissions will be available on the ACM digital library and presented in person at the conference.
General Co-Chairs
Jie Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology
Jiming Chen, Zhejiang University/Hangzhou Dianzi University
Vice General Chair
Yuanchao Shu, Zhejiang University
TPC Co-Chairs
Yuan He, Tsinghua University
Rui Tan, Nanyang Technological University
Dear Colleagues,
[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
-----------------Call for Papers————————————————
Workshop on Networking protocols and standards for mobility (NPSM)
Co-located with ICNP 2024 at Charleroi, Belgium
October 28, 2024
The workshop on Networking protocols and standards for mobility (NPSM)
Co-organized by: IEEE ICNP'24: The 32st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols<> The papers will be published in IEEE Xplore as part of the ICNP proceedings
The emergence of vehicular networks has revolutionized the transportation sector, promising enhanced safety, efficiency, and connectivity. However, as the deployment of these networks becomes more widespread, it brings forth a myriad of challenges and opportunities in terms of communication protocols. Hence, we propose a workshop focusing on network protocols for vehicles, aimed at fostering collaboration between industrial stakeholders and academic researchers. This workshop will serve as a platform for industrial experts to elucidate the requirements and challenges encountered during the deployment of new standards in vehicular networks. Additionally, the workshop will provide a forum for academic researchers to showcase their latest advancements in the field, offering innovative solutions to address the identified challenges. By facilitating dialogue and knowledge exchange between these two communities, the workshop aims to accelerate the development and adoption of robust and efficient network protocols tailored for vehicular environments.
Call for Papers
We welcome submissions of original research, work-in-progress, and proof of concepts describing original ideas and presenting new directions, covering a broad spectrum of topics related to vehicular network protocols, including, but not limited to:
* Evolution of communication technologies for vehicular networks (including in-vehicle communications);
* Transition from legacy systems to next-generation protocols in vehicular networks;
* Architectures and protocols for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), including traffic management, collision avoidance, and cooperative driving;
* Coexistence and interference mitigation strategies between different radio systems within vehicular networks;
* Network as sensors: Utilization of vehicular networks as a sensor network for environmental monitoring, traffic management, and infrastructure health monitoring, for example;
* Satellite networks: Integration of satellite communication technologies into vehicular networks for global coverage and seamless connectivity;
* Resilient connectivity, dependable, and real-time communications: Techniques and protocols to ensure reliable and low-latency communication in challenging vehicular environments;
* Trust and privacy: Security mechanisms and privacy-preserving techniques for safeguarding vehicular communication and data exchange;
* Energy requirements of communications: Energy-efficient communication protocols and strategies for reducing the energy consumption of vehicular networks;
* Transport protocols for vehicular networks: Design and optimization of transport layer protocols tailored for vehicular communication scenarios.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not under consideration at another conference or journal. Paper submissions should adhere to the IEEE Conference formatting requirements<> with double columns and the font size must be 10 points. The length of the final paper with all its content (including references) must not exceed 6 pages. Papers must include the author’s names and affiliations for single-blind peer reviewing by the PC. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop.
Please submit your paper here<>.
Important Dates
Time(AOE) Phase
July 9, 2024 Abstract Submission Deadline
July 15, 2024 Paper Submission Deadline
August 31, 2024 Paper Acceptance Notification
September 16, 2024 Camera Ready Deadline
October 28, 2024 ICNP Workshop (@ Belgium)
Technical Program Committee(TPC):
* Ana Aguiar (Univ. Porto)
* Alexey Vinel (KIT, Germany)
* Carol Habib (INRIA, France)
* Christoff Sommer (TU Dresden, Germany)
* Doganalp Ergenc (TU Berlin, Germany)
* Etienne Fayt (Alstom, Belgium)
* Hervé Rivano (INRIA and INSA Lyon, France)
* Justin Han (General Motors, USA)
* Marco Zennaro (Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICPT), Italy)
* Pietro Manzoni (University Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain)
* Sam Michiels (KUL, Belgium)
* Takamasa Higuchi (Toyota InfoTech Labs, Japan)
TPC Chair: Cristel Pelsser (UCLouvain, Belgium)
For any questions, please reach us at cristel.pelsser(a)<>.