Dear All,
I'm very pleased to announce you that the magma guide has been released.
* What is the magma guide? *
An open-licensed, collaborative repository that provides the first publicly
available research framework for people working to measure information controls
and online censorship activities. In it, users can find the resources they
need to perform their research more effectively and efficiently.
It is available under the following website:
Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference - TMA 2020
June 10-12, 2020
Berlin, Germany
***Deadline Extension***
+ Paper registration/submission: February 17/February 24, 2020
+ Paper notification: April 14, 2020
The 4th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference 2020 (TMA) is
soliciting paper submissions for a February deadline! Full details can be
found at
NEW: TMA 2020 has a double blind submission policy – author names and
affiliations should not be included. See further details at
***Call for Papers***
Started back in 2009 as a workshop, the TMA Conference is today a selective
venue for the presentation of early-stage and mature research – as well
as controversial work – on all aspects of network measurements and
analysis. We invite submissions presenting concepts, experiences, and
results in the collection, processing, analysis and visualization of
network measurements across the entire network stack. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
* Traffic measurement, analysis, characterization, visualization and
* Use of data analytics, data mining, artificial intelligence and machine
learning in network measurement and analysis
* Use of big data, high-rate processing and data reduction in network
measurement, analysis and visualization
* Measurements of data centers or cloud-based systems
* Measurements of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and Virtual Network
Functions (VNF)
* Measurements of home, mobile and wireless traffic including devices with
multiple network paths
* Application-layer measurements, including web services, social networks,
mobile applications
* Measurement techniques and metrics for evaluating new emerging networked
applications (IoT, eHealth, vehicular)
* Measurements of quality of service and quality of experience, for network
services using audio, video, virtual/augmented reality and gaming
* Measurements of network performance, network structure and network
* Measurement of traditional and new protocols (e.g. TCP, MPTCP, HTTP/2,
QUIC) and modes of communication (e.g. NFC and IoT)
* Measurements on testbeds, experimental networks or prototype networks
* Platforms for measurement, troubleshooting, management, and control of
operational networks
* Simulation and modelling for network measurements, analysis and
* Identification and classification of traffic, including encrypted and
proprietary protocols
* Techniques for and implications of privacy preservation, enhancement and
anonymization in the context of traffic measurements
* Applications of traffic analysis for security,
anomaly/vulnerability/attack detection and user profiling/privacy
* Current and emerging regulatory frameworks for measurement, analysis and
* Validation and repeatability of measurements, shared datasets,
collaborative platforms
Papers accepted for presentation will be published in the IFIP Open Digital
Library, with open access. Top papers will be invited to submit an extended
version of their paper to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service
Management (Impact Factor 4.682) for fast-track processing.
***Submission Instructions***
Submissions must not exceed 8 pages in IEEE 2-column style, including
references. Papers must be submitted at The article metadata, including
title, up-to-250-word abstract, and authors list, must be provided before
the paper registration deadline.
***Important Dates***
* Paper registration: February 17, 2020
* Paper submission: February 24, 2020
* Author notification: April 14, 2020
* Camera ready: May 11, 2020
* Conference dates: June 10-12, 2020
MobiCom 2020: Call for Workshops and Tutorials
ACM MobiCom is the premier international conference dedicated to addressing emerging topics in mobile and wireless networking and computing. MobiCom 2020 will hold multiple full or half day workshops and tutorials on September 21 (Monday), 2020 and September 25 (Friday), 2020 of the conference week. Workshop papers will be included with the MobiCom proceedings and published in the ACM Digital Library.
We solicit workshop and tutorial proposals on new and emerging topics that broadly relate to the general areas of mobile communications, wireless networking and mobile computing.
Workshop Guidelines
The ideal workshop proposal will focus on a timely and emerging topic and be able to attract a number of interesting and high-quality contributions that spark discussions in an informal setting. The goal of the workshop papers is primarily to stimulate interactive conversations and inspire new research ideas. Proposals on emerging or disruptive topics that are likely to generate significant interest in the community will be selected.
MobiCom 2020 will likely feature a mix of some returning and some new workshops. Workshop proposals may be either research-oriented or experimental:
Research-oriented Workshops
We encourage more conventional research-oriented workshops that address compelling and growing fields of study. Topics should be grounded and clearly relate to the ACM MobiCom community, and its core areas of interests (e.g., wireless networking and mobile computing). However, we anticipate workshop proposals will also introduce and connect to a set of topics of broader importance, including but not limited to: autonomous cars and systems, healthcare and medical domains, safety/security/privacy, distributed ledgers and cryptocurrencies, machine learning/artificial intelligence, diversity and ethics, technology issues for developing regions, and novel radio/hardware/processor architecture technologies.
Experimental Workshops
We also invite workshop proposals that would target papers presenting extensive experiences with implementation, deployment, and operation of mobile computing and wireless networks.
Workshop Proposal Submission Instructions
The proposal should be no longer than three pages and should include at least the following:
The name of the workshop.
Proposal track (research-oriented or experimental) in the title
The name, address, and a short bio (up to 200 words) of each organizer (up to three).
A motivation and rationale that includes a brief description of the technical issues to be addressed, and why those issues are timely.
The list of names and affiliations of potential program committee members.
The planned format of the workshop, including the length of the workshop (half day or full day), and a strategy to facilitate lively discussions and attendee involvement.
If previous editions have been held, a description of past versions of the workshop, including the number of submitted and accepted papers, and number of attendees.
A description of the publicity plan.
* A call for papers with workshop deadlines (aligned with the relevant Important Dates below).
Tutorial Guidelines
Tutorial topics should be of significant interest to the MobiCom community. Tutorials may consist of lectures, interactive sessions, hands-on training, or any combination of the above.
Tutorial Proposal Submission Instructions
The proposal should be no longer than three pages and should include at least the following:
The name of the tutorial.
The name, address, and short bio (up to 200 words) of each organizer (up to three).
A motivation and rationale for the tutorial.
Reference to the knowledge that the audience should expect to gather with the tutorial.
An outline of the tutorial content, including the length of the tutorial (half day or full day) and a tentative schedule.
Requirements for the tutorial room (please note that our capabilities in fulfilling unusual requests are limited).
Requirements for the attendees (e.g., must bring their own laptop or other hardware, familiarity with certain technologies or topics, etc.).
* Any other limitations (e.g., number of participants).
Please send your proposal in PDF (only) via e-mail to both the workshop/tutorial co-chairs Özgü Alay and Lan Wang (contact details are provided below). Ensure that proposals contain "MobiCom 2020 Workshop/Tutorial Proposal" in the subject line. Submissions must be received by the deadline below.
Important Dates
Proposal Submission Deadline
Feb.14th, 2020, 11:59 PM PST (UTC-8:00)
Notification of acceptance
Feb. 28th, 2020
Workshop Paper Submissions Deadline
May 15th, 2020
Camera-ready Workshop Papers Due
July. 31st, 2020
Workshop/Tutorial Dates
Sept. 21 and Sept. 25, 2020
Workshop/Tutorial Chairs
Özgü Alay<> (University of Oslo and Simula) : ozgua(a)<>
Lan Wang<> (University of Memphis) : lanwang(a)<>
General Information
ACM MobiCom provides basic support for the workshops and tutorials in the form of registration, publication, publicity, meeting space, audio/video equipment, lunch, and coffee breaks. To promote flexibility, the details including the format of the workshop/tutorial and the form of submissions and presentations are typically left to the organizers of each workshop/tutorial. Because workshops are meant to foster discussions on emerging topics of interest among the broader SIGMOBILE community, workshops are encouraged to be inclusive rather than exclusive in their solicitation of material. In addition, we encourage organizers to target more interactive forums such as presentations of short papers, posters and demos, panels, and round-table discussions, rather than traditional presentations of full-length papers. Workshops/tutorials not attracting enough submissions and registrations may be cancelled at the decision of the organizing committee.
We look forward to your submissions. Please feel free to contact us with any questions about submitting a workshop/tutorial proposal.
Dear all,
Due to some questions I've received, I'd like to send you the following
In addition to RACI, which funds academics to present their research at
our meetings, we also have another oppourunity - for those who have
nothing to present yet - the RIPE, SEE, MENOG and ENOG Fellowships.
Anyone within the RIPE NCC Service Region can apply for this type of
funding, which will cover the meeting fee, flight and accommodation.
Interested applicants need to outline their professional or academic
career and motivation to attend:
For RIPE 80 (11-15 May, Berlin)
Deadline: 9 February
For SEE 9 (7-8 April, Ljubljana)
Deadline: 9 February
For MENOG 20 (15-19 March, Manama)
Deadline: 1 February
For ENOG 17 (8-9 June, Moscow)
Deadline: 19 April
In general the advice I give is: if you have research to present, better
apply for RACI. If you don't, but you are interested to get involved
with the RIPE Community in person, apply for the Fellowships.
Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to spread the info
about the fellowships to anyone who you think might be interested.
Best regards,
Gergana Petrova
External Relations
Dear colleagues,
The call for applications for the RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative
(RACI) is closing soon. Successful applicants receive complimentary
tickets, travel and accommodation to the meetings and the opportunity to
present their research.
We are especially looking for more applicants from the Middle East,
South and East Europe and Central Asia. If you are working on something
interesting, please apply! If you know someone in your network who is,
please forward them this message.
To apply submit a short abstract and draft slides via:
*Apply by 19 January for*
- MENOG 20 (15-19 March, Manama)
- SEE 9 (7-8 April, Ljubljana)
*Apply by 9 February for*
- RIPE NCC Day (29 April, Tashkent)
- RIPE 80 (11-15 May, Berlin)
- ENOG 17 (8-9 June, Moscow)
At ENOG 17 and the RIPE NCC Day in Tashkent you can present in either
Russian or English.
Examples of relevant topics
- Network measurements and analyses
- IPv6 deployment
- BGP routing
- Network security
- Internet governance
- Peering and interconnectivity
- Internet of Things
Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a lovely day!
Best regards,
Gergana Petrova
External Relations