Dear colleagues, The policy proposal 2023-03 "Voluntary Transfer Lock" is now in the extended Discussion Phase. The goal of this proposal is to allow resource holders whose resources are registered with the RIPE NCC to inform them which of these resources must not be transferred for a certain amount of time. You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2023-03 As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this Discussion Phase extension is to continue discussing the proposal and provide feedback to the proposers. At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposers, with the agreement of the WG Chairs, will decide how to proceed with the proposal. The PDP document can be found at: https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-781 We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to ncc-services-wg@ripe.net before 2 June 2023. Kind regards, Angela Dall'Ara Policy Officer RIPE NCC