Dear colleagues, Consensus has been reached, and the proposals for changes to the following RIPE Documents have been accepted by the RIPE community: ripe-632, "IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region" ripe-452, "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region" ripe-233, "IPv6 Addresses for Internet Root Servers In The RIPE Region" ripe-476, "Allocating/Assigning Resources to the RIPE NCC" These policy changes replace the term "should" with "must" in cases where the previous wording created unwanted ambiguity in policy documents. You can find the full proposals at: The new RIPE Documents are called ripe-634, ripe-635, ripe-636 and ripe-637 and are available at: Note: the order of the original documents, proposals and new RIPE Documents in the lists above all correspond to one another. These proposals are implemented with immediate effect, as the RIPE NCC's procedures, tools and documentation are already in line with the policy understanding that these updates reflect. Thank you to everyone who provided their input. Regards, Marco Schmidt Policy Development Officer RIPE NCC