Dear colleagues,
RIPE policy proposal 2024-02, "IPv6 Initial Allocations /28 " is
now available for discussion again.
This proposal aims to change the initial IPv6 allocation size from
/29 to /28.
Following the last round of discussion, this proposal has been
updated and it is now at version 2.0.
The main differences from version 1.0 are that it allows the
provision without additional documentation of initial allocations
from /32 up to /28, instead of /32 or /28, and only a single
existing allocation extension per member.
You can find the full proposal at:
As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of
this four-week Discussion Phase is to discuss the proposal and
provide feedback to the proposers.
At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposers, with the
agreement of the WG Chairs, will decide how to proceed with the
The PDP document can be found at:
We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments
before 28 March 2025.
Kind regards,
Angela Dall'Ara
Policy Officer