Dear Mohammed,

I apologise for now being as responsive as I usually am, as my father has been taken into intensive car last week.

The NCC deals with a safety and security company that provides us with uptodate travel alerts and warnings and we use these guidelines to determine if we will be sending our own staff (which in this case we are, myself and two other trainers).

We understand your safety concerns with Turkey, however I would argue that France has also had a rough year as well.

At this point we have made our preparations for Turkey on the dates we have announced and we are committed to deliver the TTT workshop. If there are Iranian candidates that fear to travel into Turkey, then I guess they will have to wait till we finish this workshop and work on organising a similar one in IR. (I can not promise you yet when that workshop maybe, as if has not been planned for).

However, by looking at the names of the people that have taken the quiz, I do see a lot of interest from Iran in attending the workshop in Turkey, and I do hope that this is not an issue that keeps the best from participating.

Like I said, I plan to be there along with NCC colleagues, so trust me when I say we will do all that is humanly possible to grantee that the event goes smoothly, and towards hosting the event if we feel that the threat level has escalated, then we might even reschedule.

I hope this answers your questions, and I do apologise for not being able to respond as frequently as I normally do.



On 10 Dec 2016, at 22:48, Mohammad Khatibi <> wrote:

dear hisham
 can u please  explan how  u can confirm  we are safe on  turkey ?
 wee see many attack   on turkey  every month .
latest is 18  minutes  ago .

On Dec 8, 2016 04:02, "Arash Naderpour" <> wrote:

Hi Hisham,


There is no doubt here that this effort is to increase the number of qualified accredited MENOG trainers,

What I was trying to say is that it should be hosted in Iran for Persian speaking participants instead of asking them to travel to Turkey. It could be cheaper (for RIPE NCC as financer) and easier for Iranian participant,  hope it does make sense.







From: Hisham Ibrahim []
Sent: Wednesday, 7 December 2016 6:24 PM
To: Arash Naderpour <>
Subject: Re: [Persian-lir] Fwd: [menog] TTT call for candidates - IPv6


Trust me Arash when I say, this is an effort to increase the number of MENOG IPv6 Roadshows in both Iran and Turkey.

Think of it, if we have 7 or 8 highly qualified accredited MENOG trainers in the country, that speak the language, wouldn’t that help increase the number of Roadshows and the benefit of even doing them 100% in the local language? Wouldn’t that help IRNOG and TRNOG build and develop local talent?

This is a positive move in the right direction and that is why it is supported and financed by the RIPE NCC.

In fact it is the next level of capacity building, where you do not only train people on new technologies, you train them on how to teach others.

And knowing the IR technical community, I expect a huge number of qualified applicants, which will allow both MENOG and RIPE NCC to justify doing more after the accreditation of the first group.



On 07 Dec 2016, at 11:10, Arash Naderpour <> wrote:


That was my point, which seems to be missed, RIPE NCC is covering the travel expenses for those are interested to attend MENOG training course from Iran, instead of MENOG hosting it in Iran witch can attract lower charges. I know this is not a RIPE NCC course and MENOG has its own policies when it comes to traveling to Iran, but as a RIPE NCC member I think it is not really well managed (from budget allocation point of view)


Hope one day we see MENOG training activities in Iran, we already had a regional RIPE NCC meeting in Tehran.




Arash Naderpour





From: Hisham Ibrahim [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 7 December 2016 5:45 PM
To: Arash Naderpour <>
Subject: Re: [Persian-lir] Fwd: [menog] TTT call for candidates - IPv6


Hi Arash,


On 07 Dec 2016, at 10:27, Arash Naderpour <> wrote:


Hi Hisham,


Sorry to see MENOG cannot do it in Iran for Farsi-speakers, That RIPE NCC travel budget can be used in much better ways; instead of paying for airfare and accommodation of several Farsi Speaking, 


This has nothing to do with travel budget, as you can see we are happy to cover the expenses for those interested in attending.

It has to do with the amount of human recourses and preparation it takes our training department to organise such workshop which only allows us to organise one Train the Trainer workshop. As it is very different in the methodology of how the workshop is designed (see: Methodology,

I can tell you for the last two TTT workshops:


1) In Dubai 2015, we have had 15 attendees from 4 countries that all flew into Dubai for the workshop, only two were accredited based on the workshop Methodology 


2) In Moscow 2016, we have had 15 attendees from 6 countries that all flew into Moscow (even from Ukraine), and till now none of the attendees have finished their accreditation process.


The reality is, we can do more than one TTT workshop a year and have it up to the standards we feel acceptable. 


Would you rather wait a year to have it hosted in IR or help kickstart the IRNOG with qualified Farsi speaking trainers that are getting accredited as MENOG trainers?

Trainers could travel to Iran. Do you have any plan to do that in Tehran in the year 2017? 


I know that there is a training request to go into IR, and I know our training department are in discussion with the host on the kind of workshop they would like to deliver.

I assume the workshop will be scheduled for Q2Y17.


Please kindly let us know what would be the course outline and who is the trainer  (and some training background if possible), that will help community to decide if it is beneficial for them to take it on.


The workshop will teach and go over the “IPv6 for ISPs” and the “IPv6 for Enterprise” material.

The workshop will cover both the theoretical parts of the courses as well as how to build and configure the labs for the hands-on side part of the workshops.

It will discuss best delivery methods, best way to cognise events and also test the presentation and technical skills of the attendees.


I hope this covers you questions 






Arash Naderpour


From: Persian-lir [] On Behalf Of Hisham Ibrahim
Sent: Wednesday, 7 December 2016 5:31 AM
Subject: [Persian-lir] Fwd: [menog] TTT call for candidates - IPv6


Dear all,

For those interested in becoming a MENOG accredited IPv6 Roadshow trainer.



Begin forwarded message:



Subject: [menog] TTT call for candidates - IPv6

Date: 6 December 2016 at 18:35:06 GMT+4


IPv6 Roadshow - Train The Trainer

Call for Candidates



The Middle East Network Operators Group (MENOG) is issuing a new Call for Candidates who are interested in becoming MENOG accredited IPv6 Roadshow trainers for native Turkish and Farsi speakers.


The IPv6 Roadshows are a joint initiative from MENOG and the RIPE NCC, offering three-day workshops targeted at governments, Internet Service Providers and enterprise network operators.


The workshop will build on prior successful collaboration between the RIPE NCC, MENOG and the Eurasia Network Operator Group (ENOG) on conducting the first two Train the Trainer workshops:


-       2015, Dubai, UAE, aimed at accrediting Arabic-speaking trainers.

-       2016, Moscow, Russia, aimed at accrediting Russian-speaking trainers.


The aim of this workshop is to support the local Turkish and Farsi speaking communities within the MENOG region in sharing and building expertise on the latest IPv6 deployment techniques in their native tongue. It is designed to train and build a diverse pool of highly skilled local trainers capable of delivering national and regional training courses and workshops.


Dates: 27 February – 3 March 2017 

Location: Istanbul, Turkey 

Deadline for submission: 20 January 2017


The RIPE NCC will cover airfare and accommodation costs for the selected participants.


For additional information on how to apply please visit


Or email the MENOG secretariat at



Khalid Samara

MENOG PC Chair  




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