LAST CALL for Opensource-WG Presentations (RIPE76, Marseilles, 14-18 May 2018) The next RIPE Meeting is coming up again - your chance to present about some interesting Open Source If you are interested to present something interesting from the world of Open Source and have NOT yet contacted us, then please do so in the next days - BEFORE the upcoming weekend (Before Saturday, April 14, 23:59 CEST) (If you are interested, but have not yet a presentation, then just send us an email with your thoughts) So if you would like to give a presentation during the OpenSource WG session, then please contact us (the WG chairs). In general, each talk is 15-30 mins (depending on how much time is needed). For small project updates, we are planning to reserve 30 mins again at the end of the WG session. These short 5..10(max) min updates/talks are decided on the day before the WG session on a time/space available base. No need to submit anything for these talks at this time. (Lightening talks deadline is 12 noon on Tuesday during the week of the conference) Thanks, Martin Winter & Ondrej Filip OpenSource WG Chairs